Spot Fixing in IPL – We Need to Remain United
Cricket, the first thing that comes to our mind after listening to this word is that it is a gentlemen’s game. Yes the game which is played by the gentlemen in a gentle way with the involvement of some gentle people in the form of administrators. So, from every corner it appears to be a game associated with gentlemen.
But what happens when this gentlemen’s game is polluted with the admission of some rotten potatoes spoiling the whole supper. Should we stop eating and start cursing the whole idea of having meal? Should we stop enjoying the other tasty recipes on the table just because few of them are found to be harmful for the health?

Situation is same after the newly found rotten potatoes in Indian cricket in the form of Rajasthan Royals players Sreesanth, Ajit Chandila and Ankit Chavhan. Should we start blaming the whole idea of IPL just because 3 integrated part of this beloved tournament are behind the bars for betraying with their bread lender i.e. the gentlemen’s game cricket? I believe that we need to put those rotten potatoes out of the recipe and should use the corrective measures to ensure that no more potatoes are found to be rotten again and even if any of them shows the tendency to do so the outcome of such heinous act will stop them from performing such act.
As I write this, the whole nation finds itself completely betrayed by it’s heroes. The anger is coming out through social media. Officials are condemning the act and as Delhi Police commissioner explains the entire process, the erupting hate in the eyes of each and every Indian cricket fan is visible and increasing with each revelation. No one ever imagined that a player of Sreesanth’s caliber will fall prey to such malicious, greedy act. But now the truth is out in the public and no one has any doubt and even if someone has, his/her will be cleared shortly after the investigations.

Spot Fixing in IPL – Further Investigation Needed?
But does the problem end here? Should we forget this incident just as a black day in the history of Indian cricket? Don’t we have the rights to know that how long was the duration of this dark eclipse upon the Indian cricket and are these 3 players the only participants in performing this terrible crime? Don’t we have the rights to know that for how long have we been betrayed and kept in dark? For how long were we made to watch the scripted stories performed live upon the field? I know many would believe that why should we make any assumption upon anyone else and why don’t we believe that whatever was told by the honorable Police Commissioner at the press conference was 100% true and no other players or officials are involved in this.
Spot Fixing in IPL – Reminds of Fixing controversies in 2000
But I don’t think most of us are fool enough to believe those words blindly. Things are never so simple. And it takes me back to 2000 when one of the darkest moments was witnessed by the world cricket when Hansie Cronje was found guilty for participating in a series of match-fixing scandals. And that led to a series of investigation which later revealed few bitter truths which saw the end of career of few brilliant cricketers including the Indian legend Mohammed Azharuddin and Ajay Jadeja and put few more under the scanner. No one ever imagined that the players of such caliber would be ever involved in such cheap acts. But that fixing scandal marked a dark spot in the career of greats like Azhar and still we remember him more for his name coined in the match fixing saga rather than his heroics and contribution to Indian cricket which would have surely earned him a place in the hall of legends of World cricket. I am yet to see a better wrist in the world cricket and I don’t think I would ever be able to see them again. But those wrists have lost their glory and will forever remain as a cheater in the eyes of Indian fans even after the clean chit from the court.
Spot Fixing in IPL – Any Big Guy Involved?
Now coming to the present I am having a doubt in my mind. Are these cricketers fool enough to get lured for few lakhs which they would have made by playing a few IPL matches? Are they fool enough to put their entire career on stake just for few extra bucks. Yes I agree that greed can make you fall for anything but still I think that these few lakhs wouldn’t have meant so much for them seeing their mass income as IPL salary. Now point is that why did they take such a big risk then?
I am getting a very strong feeling that there must be the involvement of any big guy holding a reputed post. Now see why I am telling this. The only reason I think for their acceptance for committing such crimes would have been that they would have been surely ensured of their safety and security of the transaction. Otherwise no one would dare to put their entire career on stake just for few lakhs which is not such a big sum for them seeing their income from IPL. Anybody will be agreeing to do so only when he finds it safe to perform such acts and they feel they have support from any big guy in the business. Otherwise after playing at such a big level they would surely know what could be harmful for their career and their bread and butter. Only 3 young players would never dare to take such risks on their own for such a small sum in compare to the money they make from the entire IPL. They would have surely considered it as an “easy” extra mode of income and only thing to make it “easy” would have been the support and assurance of their security and safety from any reputed official or player. And that would have made the players of Sreesanth’s reputation to fall into such a mess.

So I strongly believe there should be a proper investigation panel formed to probe into the matter and they should be allowed to dig deep up to the root of the matter and only that can ensure the hesitation of players in performing such acts in the future. And what is the punishment? A few years ban or a life ban? Yes, I agree that a life ban is the last thing a player would crave for but it can’t be a deterrent measure and so a proper punishment should be awarded to those who are involved in such betrayal with the game. Fixing should be included in the IPC penal codes and police should be allowed to carry the whole process at it’s own without any interference from the BCCI. I believe that only then we shall be able to see a corruption free tournament and only then the top guys sitting there in the board or franchise, who could be involved in it, would get punished.
Spot Fixing in IPL – Is It Different From Match-Fixing?
And how can you differentiate between the spot fixing and match fixing. Both hold equal place as a crime and both have an adverse impact upon the game.
As rightly said by Dayle Steyn, “Does it matter? Steal a dollar or rob a bank, same thing isn’t it? Don’t do it!!!”
Now after all this has happened I feel pity for those Billions of fans who have been worshiping the game and I fear few of them may not continue but I would surely ask them that would you hate your whole family for the misdeeds of any single member who could have been your loved ones?
Spot Fixing in IPL – Hate The Betrayers, Not The Game
And among all this my feelings are with the purest cricketer ever produced, a true gentleman who can define cricket and one of the most beloved Indian Rahul Sharad Dravid, the guy who captained all of them. Even in his wildest dreams he would have never imagined that such a betrayal with the game and it’s devotee would take place under his own nose. I just hope our love and faith for the most beloved game continue and grow with each passing moment. I hope we never have to face such moments again and BCCI takes some strong measures to maintain the sanity and transparency in the game.
I believe the game will remain a gentleman’s game and will always reside inside our heart but I strongly feel the safety measures need to be modified and a harsh punishment should be enforced. And next time when you see a player rubbing his face with towel or bowling a no-ball or wide please don’t doubt his passion or commitment for the game and see it only as a part of the game. Never see those players with a different eye who are hit for a six on the first ball of the over. Trust your love i.e. the game of cricket and hate those who deceive with it and you.
Be a true lover and keep loving and believing in Cricket which has been your partner in your daily life for ages.